Friday, June 17, 2011


There, Their.............. there was taken, think outside the box. Who the fuck thinks up these catch phrases? And even worse, who the hell really says them? Given a little apprehension and a little tequila is there (their) really a difference? Say it out loud. Can you hear (here) the difference? I can't. Not like the way you hear oil. Ask someone from up north to say oil, it has 2 syliables now ask a Texas gurl (and yes i meant gUrl) it onl has one sylable. Now there is difference.

Age 49. Scarriest time of my life. Who the hell wants to be 50?  I know, beats the alternative right?  I was fat and old and scared.  Is this it?  Is this all there is and all there is going to be?   Can't do it.  I want MORE!  A lot more.  I want passion, I want excitement, I want up against the wall, can't get enough of you, rip my clothes off, down and dirty PASSION!!  I want to watch the sun come up an the east coast and I want to watch the sun go down on the west coast.  I want to forget what TV is and remember the thrill and fear I felt the firsts time I READ  Steven's Kings The Shining.  I want to sing Forever Young at the top of my lungs without worrying if I am off key or flat, and most of all I want someone to sing with me, and not care how we sound but care how we feel. I want to do the Hokey Pokey naked on Main Street.  I want.  I WANT MORE. And I want to know why spell check isn't working because I know I suck at spelling and typeing. But ya know, of all my many flaws  I am ok with those.  I do know how to spell all the dirty words, LOL.

It is almost 1am. It is rare that I am up this late. Wide awake tonight. I had the best evening with Ivy.  She is a good girl, a great mom, and I am guessing a pretty good wife. Ivy has a lot of qualities I wish I had. I am a lucky woman I have 3 beautiful girls and they each offer the world a gift that makes me so proud to say I am their mother. 

Goodnight everyone. 

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