Thursday, June 30, 2011


I have been thinking women are the most stupid creatures God put on this earth.  I think it is because we love too much.  Our kids are disrespectful, we let it go because we love them.  our husbands or boyfriends are assholes and we let it go because we love them. The dog pees in the floor, and we let it go..........   Maybe this is a good thing. We women are the glue that holds everything together.  I can't imagine a world without moms, grandmas, and wives and sisters.  Unfourtunatly  love and hurt go hand in hand and the trick is to be able to make a change when the hurt gets bigger than the love.  I have never learned how to do that.  But I am working on it. Men are experts at keeping that little bit of distance. Just enough to save their ass if things don't go well.

My goal for the next 10 days is to learn how to be comfortably numb without Patron or beer.  I am not saying I am not going to have a beer or a shot, I just want to be able to turn off the feelings without it.  I am going to start with a two day trip to Midland with my best friend Patti.   I can't think of anything I enjoy more these days than a road trip with Patti.  We have more fun doing nothing than anybody should have.  Then I am going to the mountains with Sam for a week.  No TV for him, no Internet for me, just together time.  See what I mean about women being stupid?  A week of Sam with no distractions?  Was this my ideal?

Well I just looked at the time and I have an appointment in 30 min and I am still in my jammies.  So i better run.


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